Searching for Jaguar E-Types? Or other cars with hyphens in their name?

Jaguar e-Type

Our search bar is currently having trouble with the hyphen character, but we’re working on it. In the meantime, we suggest dropping the hyphen and searching for ‘Jaguar E Type’ for example.

Here at classicarauctionresults, we wanted to put you in control of our data and that meant giving you the ability to search for whatever you want. We don’t want to force you into make and model ‘drop downs’ as we know the classic car world is far too diverse for us to ever fit in every search term visitors would like to use.

For this reason, we have an open search field, which allows you to search for exactly what you want. ‘Porsche Flatnose’? ‘MG Midget Round Wheelarch’? Our tool can search for these terms, which wouldn’t be possible with a fixed search.

The drawback of this is that we can’t possibly test every search that is possible, so sometimes we find out something isn’t working.

We’ve just found out that the search isn’t dealing well with hyphens and is essentially ignoring it and anything around it. So it sees ‘Jaguar E-Type’ as ‘Jaguar’ – obviously producing far more results than it should.

We’re working on fixing the issue, but for now, we advise anyone looking to search for a car which has a commonly hyphenated name, to simply drop the hyphen. So it is now ‘Jaguar E Type’.

We’ll let you know when the issue has been corrected.

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